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Help Me Find : Verdier fils aîne, Eugène
Louis-Eugène-Jules VERDIER (1831-1902), elder son of Victor VERDIER. He set up his own business and bred roses, peonies, gladiolus and other flowers
ルイ-ウージェーヌ-ジュール ヴェルヂェ(b.1831-1902没)は、ヴィクトールヴェルヂェの長男。起業家としてバラ、芍薬、グラディオラスなどの花卉栽培を行った。
[From Revue Horticole, 1902, p. 153] M. Eugène Verdier was himself son of a very remarkable breeder of Roses and brother of M. Charles Verdier...
[From "Les Iris cultivés:Actes et comptes-rendus de la 1re Conférence internationale des iris", 1923, p. 60] ...the Verdiers (Victor Verdier, who was later succeeded by his son Charles, and Eugène Verdier, who established his own account)...
[From Phillips & Rix, The Quest for the Rose, p. 83:] son of Philippe-Victor Verdier… concentrated on rose breeding and was a prolific breeder of Hybrid Perpetuals. He died in 1902.
[From Old Roses, by Mrs. Frederick Love Keays, p. 177:] In 1861, Eugene Verdier began a great career in Hybrid Perpetual roses with 'Prince Camille de Rohan' and 'Mme. Charles Wood'.
[From The Old Rose Advisor, by Brent C. Dickerson, p. 122:] Mons E. Verdier picks out each year a considerable number of seedlings (perhaps twenty or thirty thousand), and plants them all mixed together...
Mons Louis-Eugène-Jules Verdier, who died March 11, 1902, at his home, 37 Rue Clisson, Paris, at the age of 75. He was the last survivor of the Verdier family which played a very great role in French rosiculture in the last century... For many years, Mons Verdier hadn't left his home; having been struck down by blindness, and it was a struggle to go out, he was reduced to complete inaction... Madame Eugène Verdier... has died at the age of 64 after a long illness. The obsequies will take place the 17th of October [1893]...
返信削除お父上が起こした花卉事業を弟と共に継いだことから、育種家名Verdier fils aîne(ヴェルヂェ家の長男)なのでしょうかね。
James Veitchは34歳頃に作出したのね。代表作Prince Camille de Rohan(こちらは30歳頃)も今に残る銘花なのね。http://www.whitebear.shop-web.org/hp016.html